Saturday, June 8, 2013

10 years and 10 hours

That's how long Cosmo lived with us (plus about 7 weeks with the breeder).  We lost our best good boy early Thursday morning.  He gave a lot of love and joy and he was well-loved in return.  We'll miss you, 'Mo.  Until we reunite at the Rainbow Bridge.  I'll bring the ice cream cones.  I'll bring the ice cream cones.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

Balakaand by Hindu Temple Rhythms

We were invited to a Hindu dance drama on Saturday evening (3/31/12) at the Bharatiya Temple in Troy, Michigan by Sudha Chandrasekhar.  We met Sudha through the Oak Park Arts and Cultural Commission in January.  I will try to add updates to future events here as well as my Dawn Sketch Photography site on Facebook.  

Link to Hindu Temple Rhythms

Link to Bharatiya Temple in Troy - check out their classes and upcoming events.