August sure has been a busy month! I am working two part-time jobs and doing more portrait photography. Also helping promote Ron Warren Photography.
Within the next week, I will post some more fine art pieces as well as some of the portraits I've done. Wonderful weather for Katie and Kara's photo shoots this past week. Learning some new off-camera lighting techniques that I still need to perfect. Always looking for more free seminars and webinars. So shoot some links to me!

I do want to share with you, in case you haven't been over there lately, Ron's photo blog. Yesterday, we were in Midtown Detroit and met Jother Woods, an artist who uses all recycled materials. You need to head down to the N'namdi Gallery behind the Chicken Shack on Forest (east of Woodward) to see his work and hear his stories. Fabulous! The show "Homeland" only runs until September 10th, 2011.
Link to Ron's blog about Jother Woods.