Dawn is a major fan of that old-school performance art, Mummenschanz, a sort of experimental Swiss mime troup. She says we have to go see them if they ever tour again. But, I fear (gasp!), that not only is mime dead, but so, probably, are these people. Not that any ol' mime inclined folks couldn't pull it off.
This here is a Mummenschanz bit from the Muppet Show from 1976. Ah, I remember the bicentennial fondly, but not in any way, shape, or form involving Mummenschanz!
They have a web presence! http://www.mummenschanz.com/
I took Johnny and Katie to see them perform in Ann Arbor, MI back in...the mid to late 80s.
Crud... I think I saw this video live when it first came out. So sad....
Hey eman! Glad to see you comment! What's your site? mreman?
www.crankydriver.com, but I can't seem to get the energy to keep it up. This getting old stuff is for the birds. Hope you're getting better. I'm under the weather here, too.
You should've seen Dawner practicing to run away and join this troupe when we were in college. She kept stealing TP from the community bathroom. Sadly, this was before stealth video and I was unable to document it.
you are too funny girl!
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