I feel the need to make a post even though nothing very interesting has been going on!
Dawn's been an extra busy lady, what with work and being a super-terrific wife and doggy-mama! The dog and I have both been extra needy lately. Thanks Dawn!
Last week was Veterans Day and Dawn's class had a special visit from a vet. Thank You, veterans!

Then Dawn made an appearance at a birthday party for one of her students. The pinata lost it's head in one swipe!

Lessee, what else? There are new balls in the air around these parts. In addition to the daily dose of golf balls, yesterday I found a football in the yard! Much easier to hit with a golf club, I guess.
Cosmo recently met his new veterinarian. Within walking distance from the house. They seem nice enough. But Cosmo was still a bit wary. Treats helped. Helped to make him fat that is!
Guess that's about all there is on the homefront. Hope everyone is gearing up for a terrific Thanksgiving. More soon.
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