Up for a little Thursday arty-farty action? Good! Couple of landscapy deals from last weekend.
First one from Dawn. Every once and a while we run across a field of trees that just don't look like they belong. They don't seem to be desert trees and they seem to be dead. Yet, row after row of neatly planted dead trees. If anyone knows what's up with that, let me know.
Then two from li'l old me:

I'm posting at the right place now. All the troubles of my life are over, because I've found the right place! Yes!
Nice pics, btw, but I already said that when I was posting at the WRONG place. But those days are gone, because now I'm at the RIGHT place, and life is gonna turn around for me, I can feel it!
Here it comes... here comes the good times...
When you get there (to the right place) send me an invitation, k?
Ron's sister
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