Hullo Everybody!

First off, to all those who have expressed well-wishes about my health, thank you very much. And you'll be happy to know that I am feeling much, much better. Good enough to get some exercise (more on that in a second) and good enough that I am very much looking forward to my very busy photographin' weekend.
Tomorrow I shoot a rehearsal dinner related to Saturday's wedding of Dawn's boss, the principal of her school. I rented some fancy lenses that should be arriving today and I'm all excited about that. Then Saturday, we shoot the wedding, of course. Then, on Sunday, I'm covering a birthday party for a one-year-old! It is a paying job, but I've also been promised food. So now we're talking my language! (Related to my recent ills, or more precisely the med I'm on to help my ills, I'm very peckish all the time. Where's the next meal? What can I nibble on? Quick, servant, get me a milkshake! It's not all bad.)
Anyway.... yesterday, we saw Annette, Glenn, and little Jack. Annette was fighting a cold, but Glenn and Jack joined Dawn and Cosmo and me for a jaunt out into nature. We went to Papago Park in the north of Tempe, near the zoo and the botanical gardens. We climbed a little walking mountain called Hole in the Wall (because it has a big hole in the middle). Wasn't much of a hike, but I'm out of shape (I'm in shape -- round is a shape) so it was probably just as well for starters.
Didn't even take a camera. Can you believe it?
Then, just to defeat what little good we might have done and to appease my hunger issues, we went for a superburger at the Chuck Box in Tempe. One of the finest burgers around these parts. let me tell you. Note: Don't go at noon! Huge line. They were having people shout out their orders from halfway back in the room!
In the evening, I talked Dawn into a short bicycle ride around our neighborhood. So, more exercise! Gotta get the muscles stretched out before the weekend. Wedding shooting can be surprisingly hard on my back, neck, legs.
OK, that's all I got. Thanks for reading. Later!
Glad you're back, mi amigo!
me, too! t'anx!
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