Monday, November 15, 2010

lots of shooting, Mad Men, etc.

A Dawner, Ronnie and Cosmo (recent new nickname Cosgrove)... update.

Dawn has a head-cold, poor thing. Get better soon, Pook!

We've been doing a lot of shooting lately, some families, some kids, a WID event, some landscapes, even a cool top-secret job, that is, you know, all secret and stuff, so I can't tell you. But I'll throw you a bone -- it involved light and shadow, things and stuff.

But no weddings! We need to find some of them thar engaged gals to meet with and show-off to!

What else....??? Oh, lots and lots of leaves! On the ground, in the gutters, and in the air!

We're giving a seminar tomorrow night at the Caribou Coffee at Woodward and Normandy about What You Should Know Before You Hire a Wedding Photographer. So there's that.

We've become hooked on Mad Men. We're halfway through season two right now. Been getting them at the Southfield Library. Ever been there? It's terrific.

Cosmo is good -- he loves to chase them squirrels!

That's about it! More another time!

1 comment:

Heath Lowrance said...

Aw... get better, Dawn!