Sunday, April 5, 2009


Went the Apache Junction library on Saturday. Probably 15 miles away, but the closest worthwhile library in our county that we are allowed to use for free. Queen Creek has a brand new library but we would have to pay something like $50 per year to check out materials because we are technically in the next county, even though our mailing addy says "Queen Creek." Anyway....

I grabbed up Harry Harrison's "The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell". I used to love the tales of the stainless steel rat, aka, Slippery Jim di Griz, the famed intergalactic criminal and sometimes famed intergalactic crimefighter many, many moons ago. So when I stumbled upon one that I thought I hadn't read, yippee! I'll give you a verdict after all the facts are in.

Then, as suspected, I went straight for more Neil Gaiman. I just returned "Fragile Things" and the library had "Anansi Boys" and "American Gods". I opted for the latter. Heath, Christian, I know you guys probably read this one. Worthwhile?

And Dawn got about a gazabillion kids books and stuff on the U.S. Constitution. She needs to do a U.S. and AZ Constitution class to work on her AZ teaching certification. Right now, she's sort of grandfathered in with her MI certificate. She used to have one here, too, but I guess that needs periodic updating.

What are all my friends in cyberspace reading these days!?!?!?!

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