Thursday, January 22, 2009

i shot the pigeon (er, mourning dove)...

...but i did not shoot the deputy pigeon (er, mourning dove). This little stinker was in the backyard today. So I shot him. Just for looking at me the wrong way. That's right. Don't mess with me. Or I'll shoot ya.

Of course, it'll just be with my Canon.


Anonymous said...

That's a Morning Dove - technically, I don't think it's a pigeon. I'll have to Wiki it.

Dawn & Ron said...

ah. In the immortal words of one Ed McMahon, "You are correct, Sir!"

Anonymous said...

That explains it. I was gonna say, that bird is kinda pretty for a pigeon. Another nice picture.

Dawn & Ron said...

they are in the same family, however. And thanks!